5 Ways the Momentary Stays Sustainable

Happy Earth Day! Sustainability is something that we at the Momentary try to keep in mind with everything we do, starting with our building. Discover five ways that the Momentary is practicing sustainability:

1. The Momentary Is an Adaptive Reuse Space
The building, formerly a cheese plant, was repurposed into a contemporary art space by Wheeler Kearns Architects. The team approached this as an adaptive reuse project, meaning they kept most of the existing building intact, only adding elements when necessary. In this way, they minimized their carbon footprint and use of materials while preserving a piece of Bentonville history.

2. We Help Purify the Water That Runs through Our Grounds
Town Branch Creek runs along the north edge of the Momentary. According to Calli Verkamp, lead project architect of the Momentary, “we integrated a landscape strategy that would help purify and clean rainwater before it moves into the creek. Most is done with the help of a bioswale (a landscape set-up designed to remove pollution from runoff water) that runs all along the edge of the pavement. In addition to being beautiful, it takes all the rain from the parking lot, courtyards, etc., cleans it, and deposits it back into the creek.” That water eventually trickles down to the ponds at Crystal Bridges!

3. We Use Sustainable Products in Food and Drink Areas
Whether you’re in the Tower Bar, Onyx Coffee Lab, or outside at the RØDE Bar and Momentary Food Truck, Momentary food + drink areas use very little, if any, one-time plastics, and disposable containers and utensils on campus are either recyclable or compostable.

4. Recycling Bins Are Found around the Building (Thanks Coca-Cola!)
Thanks to the support of The Coca-Cola Company, the Momentary provides visitors with an opportunity to recycle and sort trash accordingly around the building and grounds. Anywhere you find a trash bin, you will find a companion recycling bin, and in some cases, even a third bin for glass waste.

5. The Momentary Goes to Sleep at Night
The lighting system is programmed to set light levels to a minimum while maintaining enough light for the security cameras. The HVAC system has motion sensors in all non-gallery spaces which go into an unoccupied mode that saves energy by changing temperature ranges and limiting run time for each HVAC unit. Also, Back-of-House rooms and bathrooms have motion sensors for lighting that will automatically shut off in five minutes if no movement is detected.