Momentary Recommends: Resources from Catherine Hryniewicz
Looking for indulging content? Momentary Recommends is a bi-weekly round-up of content, selected by a Momentary staff member. This week, enjoy a list of recommendations from Director of Operations, Catherine Hryniewicz, including new food and drink recommendations, fun YouTube channels, and places to check out!

Where I’m Going:
The Buffalo River
For most Arkansans, this is probably a common favorite. I’ve been camping beside and canoeing the Buffalo since I was a kid. My favorite section is around Tyler Bend, but there are so many beautiful parts. The water is clear, the scenery is breathtaking, and there’s wildlife all around. It is an area that has always been a benchmark for me in terms of natural beauty.
Also, any time I or a family member is in the vicinity of St. Joe, there’s always a stop to pick up something from Coursey’s Smoked Meats. I’m partial to the smoked bacon, cheddar, and summer sausage, but it’s all good.

What I’m Watching:
This YouTube channel is probably one of the most satisfying things to watch on the internet. If you’ve ever wanted to see virtually anything in glorious slow-motion and have a good laugh at the same time, you’ve got a lot of entertainment ahead of you.

My sister recommended this series to me at the beginning of quarantine. I was really trying to find as many things as I could to keep my three-year-old daughter engaged while I was working from home. I realized that she is just a little too young for these episodes to keep her attention, but I sure love them. Share this with your kids, or engage your inner child and doodle.

What I’m Listening To:
I absolutely love Tiny Desk Concerts. They are a great way to sample all the best music that is happening in our world. I also love how intimate they are and how the artists adapt to performing in that setting. The Tank And The Bangas performance is one of my favorites, but there are hundreds of amazing episodes to choose from.

What I’m Drinking:
Pineapple Mint Tea (spiked or not)
A friend gave me this recipe a long time ago, and it is a spring and summer favorite of mine.
- 1 qt water
- 1 cup sugar
- 5 spearmint tea bags
- 1 qt cold water
- 1 qt pineapple juice
Combine water and sugar in a saucepan. Place over high heat and bring to a boil. Stir to dissolve the sugar. Turn off heat and add the tea bags. Let the tea bags steep for 20-30 minutes. Remove bags and stir in the cold water and pineapple juice. Serve over ice with a sprig of mint as a garnish.

What I’m Eating:
Markham and Fitz’s Brown Sugar and Bourbon Chocolate Chip Cookie
They are gooooooooood. Too good.
Also, (and this is a game-changer) they now sell the cookie dough so you can bake them at home.

What I’m Reading:
Bram Stoker’s Dracula (the book, not the movie)
For anyone who knows me well, I have a dark side. I love Halloween, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Berlioz compositions, walking through old cemeteries, and anything creepy, spooky, or abandoned. One thing that I hadn’t done until recently was read the classic Dracula. I thought it would be an interesting read, but I enjoyed it much more than I had anticipated. I highly recommend giving it a try. It may have been written over 120 years ago, but it will still give you legitimate spine shivers. A big plus is that digital versions are free in many apps.