New to Bocce Ball? Here’s How to Play

Have you heard? Today is the first day of Beer, Bites, and Bocce Ball at the Momentary! Enjoy the summer weekends with us, spread out a blanket on the Momentary Green, play a game of bocce ball, and grab a snack or cool, refreshing drink.
Bocce Ball
We’ve created two bocce ball courts underneath the Canopy on the Momentary Green (yes, it’s shaded!). Ball sets will be available for rental per hour ($10/hour; $8/hour for Momentary members, first come first served) and will be sanitized thoroughly after each use.

How to Play
New to bocce ball? Not sure of the rules? Don’t worry, you’ll be a pro in no time. Here’s how to play:
- Form two teams of 2-4 players.
- One team tosses the “pallina” (little ball) down the court. The same player tosses the first ball. Tip: Toss or roll the balls underhand.
- Teams alternate tossing bocce balls until all have been thrown. The goal is to get as close to the pallina as you can, or to knock the opponents’ balls away.
- Only the team with the closest ball to the pallina scores points.
- The team that is closest to the pallina gets a number of points equal to how many of their balls are closer to the pallina than the other team’s nearest ball. If the player’s ball touches the pallina, it is called a “baci” and the team earns 2 points for that ball.
- Continue until a team has scored 12 points and wins!

Beer and Bites
Beer and light snacks such as chips and salsa, walking tacos, and more, will be available for purchase on the Momentary Green.
Also, try a “Bocce Ball” frose drink from the RØDE Bar―a perfect partner for a round of bocce!
Beer, Bites, and Bocce Ball will be available during the following days / times (weather pending):
- Fridays: 4 to 11 pm
- Saturdays: 11 am to 11 pm
- Sundays: 11 am to 4 pm
Beer, Bites, and Bocce Ball sponsored by: