Sunday Reset | Consciousness and Personal Power

Sunday Reset provides a fresh start for minds and bodies by engaging in different forms of meditation.
Join instructor Sunny Lane as she explores how we can use meditation to maximize our potential. For this Sunday Reset, we will apply the consciousness paradigm to enhance personal growth through guided meditation by shedding layers of accumulated stress that keep you from experiencing true fulfillment. By understanding the science of consciousness as the natural technology that we all possess, we can access our powerful inner silent self, to move toward fulfilling outward experiences.
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Sunny Lane is a Registered Yoga Teacher and meditation instructor and operates The Sunny Soul. She has a Master’s degree in Education, practices Transcendental Meditation and Primordial Sound, and is currently researching Consciousness and Human Potential through MIU. Her research focuses on the influence authentic emotions have on the development of higher states of consciousness and how they can be used as the measuring stick and map for fulfillment.